Private Educational Consultancy
We do everything in trust.
We trust in what we do.

"We do everything in trust. We trust in what we do."
We are a global educational consultancy helping students in South Korea, US, Canada and Western Europe become the distinguished leaders that the most competitive schools and our global community are seeking. We aim to not only guide these future leaders of our society to reach academic excellence but also inspire them to bring meaningful changes to our world through their talents, passion and vision.

We offer unparalleled consulting services to prepare our students for top-tier colleges and boarding schools. Our expertise, passion and precision are proven through unmatched outcomes.
The key to success in today's highly competitive US admissions scene lies in marketing yourself as a distinguished leader standing out from the large pool of qualified applicants.
This certainly cannot be achieved through factory-made, one-size-fits-all types of approaches. Test scores, academic performance, community engagement and diverse activities all matter; dutifully completing these tasks, however, is simply not enough.
Every aspect of a successful application must contribute to painting a consistent picture of the applicant while building a powerful and authentic narrative shedding light on one's unique background, experiences, qualities, passions and vision.
Our programs are designed to guide our students to build a strong portfolio while exploring their passions, to reflect on themselves in ways never done before, to unlock their potential and discover their truest colors.
Let us show you the power of education in its truest form.

ONE Difference
원아카데미와 원컨설팅의 컨설팅 팀과 강사진은 전원 해외 명문대 출신의 검증된 실력, 학생을 향한 열정, 그리고 사명감으로 뭉친 교육팀입니다.
소수의 선별된 학생들만을 대상으로, 성공적인 입시를 위한 가장 첫 단계부터 최종 합격까지, 맞춤형 프로그램을 제공합니다.
본원의 압도적인 합격 결과들은 Holistic Review (다면평가)로 진행되는 미국 입시에 최적화한 독자적인 프로그램과 팀을 통해, 학생이 모든 평가 항목에서 강렬하며 차별화된 자신만의 색깔과 스토리를 구현해낼 수 있도록 완벽하게 준비시키기에 가능합니다.